A while back I received the Hue Animation Studio to review and I have to admit that it sat on my desk for quite a while. I had this idea that setting it up and using it would take a long time and so I kept putting it off. Thinking it would take a lot of time and effort I waited until I had a clear day in my diary before I opened the box.
The box contained everything I need and the software installed on my laptop really quickly and easily. I decided to create a stop motion video of a Lego set being built and it was really simple to do. The software is really straight forward to use and the capture screen shows you what your last shot looked like so you can ensure that your next shot makes sense.
When you have finished your capture you can change the speed of the film by changing how many shots per second are shown. Having made my first movie with it I will definitely do another one and I have learnt a few things that will help me last time. For example if you want to show something for a longer period of time it is best to take a few consecutive shots without moving the camera of the item you are filming.
As the camera is bendable it was really easy to capture my animation from different angles which helped to give different perspectives to the animation.