Are steel roller shutters still vital for business security?

Security solutions have expanded massively in their scope over the past few decades. We now have all sorts of issues that need to be dealt with, from HR to cyber security, and it can feel more than a little overwhelming trying to gain an overview of all these various aspects.

On top of these new, emergent security concerns, ‘traditional’ issues such as burglaries haven’t gone anywhere, and it’s important to take those older threats seriously. Steel roller shutters are an effective solution that is still used in a wide range of contexts – let’s explore some of their main benefits.

A strong physical barrier

Simply put, steel roller shutters from providers like LBS Group present a strong, physical barrier that prevents people from entering buildings without permission. 

They’re far more effective than plastic shutters or glass windows at preventing break-ins, and when combined with other systems, they can make it much more difficult for would-be intruders to force their way in. 

Visual deterrence against forced entry

In many cases, still roller shutters are effective even before someone tries to break in, by acting as a strong visual deterrent. 

Most criminals who try to break and enter into a business or storage space do so based on ease and opportunity; if they see a strong, high-tech steel roller shutter, they’ll likely look elsewhere for a better, more convenient target.

Ultimately, this is the best and most effective form of security: a system that prevents people from even trying to mess with your business, and it’s important to keep this benefit in mind.

Weather protection

Steel roller shutters aren’t only effective at stopping unwanted people getting into businesses – they’re also great at protecting spaces from the negative long and short-term effects of bad weather. 

Whether that’s preventing sun damage to paint, keeping rain and wind away from delicate facades, or even just helping to regulate the temperature inside your premises on hot or cold days, this is definitely a benefit that a lot of business owners tend to overlook.

Easily operated

A last key reason why steel roller shutters remain such a popular choice for business security is their ease of operation. For any given business security solution to be effective, it really needs to be so simple to use that employees are consistently able to put that system in place, day in, day out.

Steel roller shutters absolutely tick that box. With most of them being operated by electric motors, there’s no fiddling around necessary to close or open them. Just press a button and wait for everything to roll into place – that’s it.

There’s no such thing as a universally applicable or vital solution when it comes to business security, and steel roller shutters won’t be useful in all scenarios. That being said, there are a wide range of situations where they can make a huge impact on your overall approach to security, and it’s important to appreciate those benefits in all their breadth.