So what do you take on holiday?

It is less than one week before we go on that wonderful Mark Warner holiday we won a few weeks ago and the twitter conversation I was having with them the other day made me realise that I might not be ready to go abroad. It seems that going on an aeroplane takes some strategic planning and lots of lists full of things to pack and what not to pack. I just don’t have a clue. I found myself googling what to pack to go on holidays with children and reading countless threads on forums full of rubbish advice and so I turned to some of my favourite bloggers to ask there advice.

Ruth from Geek Mummy goes one step further and always takes a UK 4-way power socket and an international adapter so she doesn’t have to get adapters for each device they own.

It seems that technology is high up on bloggers packing lists with tablets, ds, chargers, kindles and adapter plus being mentioned frequently. These were mentioned by Pink Oddy, The Mummy Blogger, Mum on the Brink, lakes single mum, Clearly Bex and Mum mum heart.

Top tips

Alice from Life as Alice recommends drugging the kids with travel sickness medication to help them sleep and obviously not be sick.

Kelly from Domestic Goddesque recommends kids magazines are great for (crap) free toys as well as colouring etc to keep them busy on the flight/in airports

Sharon from I heart Motherhood recommends that for the flight I get a little bag together with some ‘things to do’ – colouring books/ and other little £ shop nick nacks phone games are also good and plying them with plenty of snacks!

Helen from Kiddy Charts recommends Top Trumps – I know not a massive essential in terms of travel, but they are compact, and entertain kids for hours

Ali from Kids Chaos reminded me about taking Mosquito repellent.

Joanne from kids days out reviews recommends Sticking plasters. Antiseptic cream. Wipes.

Helen from The Crazy Kitchen goes a little OTT and takes a whole heap of stuff when she goes, very rarely uses any of it but it’s just in case….plasters, diocalm, paracetemol, ibruprofen, calpol, antiseptic cream, antibacterial cream, mosquito plug,mosquito spray, mosquito zapper, antihistimine ( 2 types), eye drops, nasal drops, blue inhaler, brown inhaler, antiseptic wipes, baby wipes, nappy bags, sick bags, tissues, eczema cream, sudocrem, lipsyl. Joanne from Mummy2five agreed with the pain relief and antihistimine.

Sarah from Boo, Roo and Tigger Too is a bit more sensible and always packs clean underwear and swimming costumes in her carry on in case her bags go missing

Missie Lizzie from Me and my shadow recommends making the kids wear all their clothes onto the plane so you have space in your bags for all the important things.

Penny from being Mrs C gave me some sensible advice about the clothes. Go for layers. That way if things get dirty you can just rearrange the layers in a different order so that the dirt doesn’t show. Also, I always pack a small bottle of washing up liquid and one of laundry liquid. That way if you need to wash anything in a hotel room you can.

Cass from The Diary of a Frugal Family Whatever clothes you think you’ll need, halve them. We always take WAAAY too many and half of them come home unworn. Bethan took a different swimsuit for every day last year!

Pippa from Red Rose mummy reminded me to take my Camera and batteries/charger. Memory cards. Take a spare just in case. Maybe a scrapbook for the girls (take gluesticks) so they can stick in little treasures they find, like tickets and leaflets.

Jen from My Mummy’s pennies always takes a mini sewing kit for repairs etc and safety pins come in handy for so many things, also first aid kit, activity books for the kids and a good book  to read while the kids are entertained

Helen from Casa Costello gave me a frightening thought to remember a magazine to be kept for the way home – always be afraid of the journey home!

Jenny from Mummy Makes Cakes packs cutlery for the kids so they don’t have to use adult cutlery.

Kara from Chelsea Mamma was the first one to mention Sun Cream surprisingly.

Jax from Making it up says if you have a young one to take a wrap. Much easier than a buggy and doubles as a blanket if necessary. Also take paper and crayons.

Mari from Maris world reminded me to make sure the girls favourite teddies were top of my list.

Victoria from Vevivos said Wetwipes even if its just her.

Jaime from Olivers madhouse was also lucky enough to win a Mark Warner holiday a few months ago and she wrote a post containing lots of tips to try to save money by buying things before you go.

Cas from Mummy never sleeps was definitely thinking more for the adults when she recommended a few mini bottles of gin for emergencies. I suppose travel is stressful after all.

My to buy list

Adapter plugs (more than one so no fighting)
Mosquito repellent
More Wetwipes
Sun cream
New toiletries

My to pack list is a lot longer than it was yesterday and I am glad we have a good luggage allowance on this trip especially as I don’t want to forget anything.

Have I forgotten anything? Is there anything else you would recommend?