Next weekend I will be taking the girls on a very magical journey through the forests to
Lapland UK to show you all what we think of it. Having had a good read of the website it does look as though it will be lots of fun but a lot of people will look at the price and decide it is not for them. At around the same cost as going to the theatre as a family it certainly looks on the expensive side but if it delivers then I think it would be well worth it and something I would pay to do again.
Looking on the website it looks as though the experience will last around 3.5 hours and will include helping the elves in their workshop, decorating gingerbread with Mother Christmas, ice skating, meeting the reindeer and husky dogs and visiting Santa as well. All the picture look amazing and I really can’t wait to see if it is as magical as it looks.
This weekend the tickets arrived and inside the boring grown up envelop was a couple of surprises.
After I had hidden the actual tickets I sneaked these back out on to the mat and waited for the girls to see them. They eventually squealed with delight and seemed to think they were invitations to Hogwarts but after reading the envelopes they were still just as excited.
It seems that Father Christmas needs their help and wants them to visit him to help out the elves in the factory. He has given them all the information they need and they are very excited.
Inside the grown up envelope there was also two Christmas day cards to leave with their presents which I thought was a lovely touch.
Our visit to Lapland UK will help us to tick off a few of our Seaton Family Special Christmas Fun activities and we really cant wait.