Camp Bestival – getting excited

Summer is so close I can almost taste it and the highlight of our summer will be hanging out at some of the best Family Festivals. Each of the festivals we visit has a completely different feel to them and Camp Bestival is the one we have been to the most.

We were disappointed to have missed Camp Bestival last year after flying back from Orlando the day before it started. There was just no way we could pack the car full of our camping gear and head off on another adventure whilst seriously jet-lagged. We did, however, stalk the event on social media and apart from the weather it looked like another hit.

This year we are counting down the days and staying for the whole weekend. Usually, we leave on Sunday and miss the fireworks but I promised that we would stay this year and I am really excited about it. In fact, I am really excited about the whole thing. Usually, when we go camping we have the bare minimum with us, a tent and sleeping equipment. This year, however, we have invested in a decent tent and we are looking at getting cooking equipment and everything else that others have and we look at longingly.

When it comes to the line up of acts there are so many things that we are looking forward to. I can’t wait to see Tokio Myers and Dick n’ Dom. It isn’t just the live acts that we look forward to. My girls love the Dingly Dell and the worlds biggest bouncy castle as well as all the other amazing activities. I know Alison would love to do the wild tree climbing. One of the highlights of Camp Bestival is the chance to enjoy the food in the Feast Collective. With so many amazing food vendors we like to eat our way around the tent over the course of the festival so although we are planning on taking cooking equipment this will be for breakfasts only because there is no way I am missing Zoe’s Ghana Kitchen for some burnt sausages and beans.

So we are keeping our fingers crossed for some beautiful weather and I will be checking out the camping section of our local outdoorsy shop for some inspiration. If you have any festival must-haves then do let me know so I can add them to my list.