This weekend is Camp Bestival and unfortunately we will be far too exhausted from our recent adventures in America to be able to go so instead I asked Jane from Practically perfect mums if she would like to go and report back for me. Now Jane and her family have never been to Camp Bestival so to get them excited I asked her to tell me about the things that they are looking forward to seeing or doing. Check out what she said below.

This week the boys and I are off to Camp Bestival, the multi award winning family festival at Lulworth Castle on Dorset’s Jurassic coastline. It’s our first visit to and we’ve heard excellent things about the event, now in it’s tenth year, both from friends and from fellow bloggers.
As newbies, we thought we’d better spend some time on the website making plans so at least we have some idea of which direction to head in when we get there. We started by looking at the line-up. At first glance there were lots of acts we weren’t overly familiar with but I was pleased to discover you can click through from pretty much any act to a bio page which offers lots of handy information about them – like the style of music they play, what they’re famous for or where they’ve performed. We found this really handy and we’re now pleased our shortlist, although I’m more than happy to be flexible and change it around when we get there. That’s what festivals are all about, right? Here are a few highlights which have taken our fancy:-
Eight year old Zu who’s into craft, is keen to see Phil Gallagher, AKA the very popular Mr Maker, live on stage. He also likes the sound of Disney Rascal who play ska and punk versions of Disney songs. I can’t wait to hear what they do with “Let it Go”
Eleven year old Bubble who’s performed in a few musicals himself, wants to watch ‘School of Rock – the musical’ and I can see why. Being in a show like that must be pretty much every aspiring young musician’s dream job, mustn’t it? He’s also interested in seeing Dick and Dom plus Ray Blk, a female rapper (we would have assumed male from the name) who won BBC music sound of 2017
Thirteen year old Jamifly will be making the most of the 5 a side football pitch and is also hoping to see a favourite teacher who had a food concession at the festival last year. As I wrote that last sentence I was mentally commending my son on his loyalty to his old English teacher but I’ve just realised that, as he is now half boy, half giant, I might be spending a lot of time (and money!) familiarising myself with the food stalls with a growing thirteen year old boy in tow.

Me? I’m looking forward to comedian, Reginald D Hunter, the Bootleg Beatles, headliners Madness and Brian Wilson (co-founder of the beach boys). The boys haven’t heard of the Beach Boys but recognise snippets of the songs I’ve sung to them so I think they’ll enjoy that too. Finally I’ve chosen Elvana: Elvis fronted Nirvana where rock & roll meets grunge. I mean, what’s not to like in that combination?
So those are our hot picks for Camp Bestival 2017. The boys have also spotted that there’s a Sports Park with a skate park and cricket as well as the football pitch so have decided that, alongside our new Berghaus inflatable tent, we’ll be packing kid-essentials like scooters, skateboards, a cricket set, a trusty football to six. . . !

It sounds like it’s going to be a lot of fun! If you’d like to hear more about our Camp Bestival experience and how we actually get on with our shortlist, you can follow our adventures here on Facebook and Twitter
Thanks for reading.