When the box arrived I assumed it was something else as the box looked far too small to contain a pushchair, even a small pushchair!
When we won the holiday to Kos we decided to take this with us too and I am glad we did. We took the YOYO on a walk to the local town over 45 minutes away. The roads and paths let a lot to be desired and me and Hubby were taking it in turns to push the YOYO rather than the wheelchair that Elizabeth was in. The Babyzen YOYO coped so well with the gravel, the pot holes and large kerbs that we both wanted to push that one. The handle height is really comfort and the pushchair is lightweight and easy to steer.
There had been many conversations on that holiday about the YOYO with the other guests. Hanging around the pool with the other parents every afternoon and it wasn’t long before one of the pushchair obsessed dads noticed the YOYO. He was mesmerised with how small it could fold down and how easy it was to steer when full laden. The pushchair was so light weight that folding it down and slinging it over our shoulder became habit and we were able to lift the whole thing single handed to carry it up short flights of stairs.
I am still not to keen on the white wheels and I have had to take wet wipes to them occasionally just to keep them white.
The storage area on the BabyZen YOYO does not look very big but as you can see here it fits a fairly large back pack which has clothes, food and all the other things you need to carry when out and about with two children for the day.
Folded down the Babyzen Yoyo can fit into the foot well of the car, sneak into the tiniest space in the boot or go on a plane as hand baggage. If you are short on space or travel on public transport a lot I would definitely recommend it. I can just imagine how useful it would be on the underground where you can collapse and carry it whilst holding your toddlers hand.