Last year we review Sew Cool by Spin Master and absolutely loved it. This year Elizabeth couldnt wait to get hold of Knits Cool. Knits Cool comes with three different sized knitting posts with storage, a crochet needle and a sewing needle as well as 4 buttons/charms and three balls of yarn that are enough to make the three projects in the instruction book.
The base has space to store the knitting posts when not in use as well as holes on the top for the various sizes. It also has a fancy stitch counter on the side that helps children remember how many stitches into a pattern they are.
Elizabeth needed a little bit of help to cast on by Nanny but once she was shown what to do she soon got the hang of it and was able to create the rows easily. The Knits Cool Yarn holder at the back prevented the wool yarn from getting tangled and holds it out of the way for ease of use.
Elizabeth really enjoys making things by herself so she has loved using the Knits cool knitting studio and is looking forward to making more of the projects. I am going to look at getting her some of the other project kits that go with it to keep her interested. You can find out more on the Knits Cool website.