Last month was my birthday and so we invited some friends around for a bit of fun. Red Herring games (who have just been shortlisted in the Pitch to Rich competition) sent us a fun Murder Mystery set for 6 people. We received a box which contained two booklets to help you prepare your party (recipe suggestions and making the most of your theme), invitations, 7 character booklets, an additional clue, a cd with the inspectors lines on and some after dinner chocolates to enjoy.
I will be honest and say I didnt really pay too much attention to the two books which help you set the scene as I wasn’t sure we were going to enjoy it and I didnt want to put too much pressure on my guests, oh how wrong I was. We also didnt use the invitations as I did everything via facebook but I think I would next time to add to the excitement.
When my guests arrived I gave them each a character booklet. It was funny to see how animated they became the further into the story we went. The good reverend made himself a white collar out of paper and his voice changed as he went into character, Lotta Balderdash’s voice became more high pitched than I ever thought possible and Brigadier Balderdash had never been so pompous. As there were only 6 of us we used the CD for the inspectors parts, this also meant that none of us knew who killed the butler.
We get together a lot but I don’t think we have ever had quite so much fun, it is nice to step out of your comfort zone occasionally and Red Herring Games made it easy and fun to do. I have had a look on their website and I saw that they also do childrens mystery parties which could be a lot of fun and something I may look into for Elizabeth’s upcoming birthday.