The Lego Friends Heartlake Lighthouse is one of the largest Lego Friends sets we have built and Elizabeth decided she was up to the challenge. With four bags to build I just waiting for her to get bored but it seems that she has grown more patient with her Lego building as she has got older.
Now she did need help a few times but normally when she forgot to place a piece from a previous page and had become confused. She spent hours putting the set together and loved all the details.
The Lego Friends Heartlake Lighthouse has an ice cream shop, lighthouse tower, pier, rowing boat and a rock with a seal on it. The two figures also have cool accessories such as a camera, binoculars and a map.
All the Lego friends sets are fantastic and has really inspired Elizabeth to enjoy Lego where she wasn’t interested before. We are looking forward to reviewing some of the new Lego Elves sets soon which use the same figure type in an enchanted world.