Recently I have felt like a bit of a fraud. You see a month ago I had a delivery that has changed my life and it should mean that I should change my name. I was lucky enough to accept delivery of a king-size Dormeo Memory Fresh mattress.
When it arrived I was actually in London at the Toy Fair but I received some exciting tweets from hubby to let me know that he was setting it up and that he would be enjoying sleeping on it that night whilst I was still stuck in a hotel in London.
Now this did mean that I wasn’t there to witness the unrolling of the mattress as he opened it from its vacuum-packed wrappings. He had to leave it for 12 hours before making the bed and going to sleep but he couldn’t help rubbing in how well he had slept the next day.
I’ve always been a believer in the benefits of memory foam, but until recently, most of them were out of my budget. My search for a mattress began when I bought a usual king-size bed frame last month ( Cal King frames are harder to find). Dormeo’s Memory Fresh Double Mattress came as a surprise to me, as it is available for less than £200. If I had realised that earlier I would definitely have bought one. Instead, we had a cheap spring mattress with a 4cm memory foam topper on it. I thought it was comfortable. Well, I thought it was more comfortable than just the spring mattress. However, sleep still eluded me and I tossed and turned.
I have now been sleeping on my Dormeo Memory Fresh mattress for a month (give or take all the hotel breaks and holidays I have fitted in) and I can honestly say that I have never slept better. I am so comfortable that all my back aches have disappeared and not once have I woken up aching as I did from my old mattress. In fact, the only problem I have with the new mattress is that I don’t actually want to leave it. Getting up in the morning has become a struggle as I feel ripped from my nest of comfort and thrust out into the harsh reality of the world around me. I have even taken to going back to bed to work during the day as the bed is even more comfortable than my sofa which is where I used to end up when I got fed up with my desk.
So why exactly is the Dormeo Memory Fresh Mattress so comfy?
Graded as a Medium firmness with a depth of 15cm it features 2cm of Memory Foam and 12cm of Ecocell the Dormeo Memory Fresh Mattress comes with a 15 year warranty and because they know how comfortable their mattresses are Dormeo offer a 60 night comfort guarantee which allows you to try it at home for 60 nights and if you are not satisfied you can send it back.
I really can’t recommend this mattress enough as it has really changed my life in how much sleep I am getting and I am even going to bed earlier as the lure of this mattress calls me back to my bed. Talking of which, Good Night.