I never knew I wanted a labelling machine until I got the email asking if I would like to review one and to be honest I never thought it would be so much fun either. In fact when I first got it all I did was print some boring labels for Alison’s school bag and a few other things.
Having completely ignored the instructions and become a bit bored I put it down and forgot all about it. However, it seems that the girls were intrigued and they were soon printing labels for all sorts of things. In fact, Elizabeth even did her spelling homework on it which was a novel idea.
The Brother P-Touch H105 Labelling machine is really easy to use and is able to produce 7 frames, 178 pictures and 2 different sized letters. It only has one font but you can make it Bold, Italic, Shadow and Outline to name just a few of the varieties. You can also make your label vertical so you can place it on the spine of books or similar. There are also ten preset themes (categories) that you can use that match frames, pictures and You can use different label tape to produce different sized labels. The machine came with 4m of label tape but we soon used all that so I ordered some more on Amazon so the girls could continue to have fun.
This labelling machine is the best gadget I never knew I needed and I can now completely reorganise my life including labelling leftovers in the freezer, all the kids’ stuff that gets taken into school, the girl’s drawers so Hubby puts things back in the right place and I might even label our cat so whoever keeps feeding him knows that he already has a home. Ok so that one might be going too far but I really have found a great new plaything and as Elizabeth and Alison are enjoying it so much they don’t even think their spellings are homework anymore!