Reader Bee’s first Storymaker

Having been introduced to the Honeycomb method of reading in the Reader Bee and the Story tree app I was interested to see the other apps available in the series. 

Reader Bee’s First Story Maker is for older children who want to make up their own stories using a combination of pictures and words.

When you first download the app your keyboard may show like the one of the left. This is the standard iOS keyboard. You need to go into the iPad settings and download the honeycomb keyboard. If you need detailed instructions just press the question mark in the top right of the app.
Once you have the honeycomb keyboard you will see at the bottom left that it has three options. These switch it between the original ipad keyboard, the honeycomb keyboard with pictures, the honeycomb keyboard with just letters and the honeycomb number and symbols keyboard. 

On the bottom right is the options for delete, enter and hide keyboard.

To start to make your story you need to use the keyboard and the images available to create sentences.

You can double tap on an image to turn it into a word and reverse the process too. If you typed a word that has an associated image it will be changed automatically.

There are three menus to help you create your story. 

The Reader Bee Characters.

Images in Alphabetical order
The drawing menu.
To create your story you can type using the keyboard, add images from the menus and then draw an accompanying picture. To save this you need to press the camera symbol in the top right.

You could do this to create a whole story book and look through them on the ipad photo gallery.

We really enjoyed this app and both girls have had fun creating different stories and drawing pictures to match them.