Family Camping reviews has started a new campaign called unearth the outdoors kid. It looks like a great campaign to get kids to put down the computer games and get outside. As a child I spent most of my time outside either in the local forest or on the street playing with my neighbours. Having taken the bucket list questionnaire I was one activity away from being an outdoors kid and instead I am just an active kid. The girls are doing well already and all of the bold statements below they have already achieved but I hope to be able to tick a lot more off by the end of the year. I have taken the Unearth the outdoors pledge and
will report back on how well we are doing at different times throughout the year. Why don’t you go and take the pledge?
will report back on how well we are doing at different times throughout the year. Why don’t you go and take the pledge?
Climb a tree
Roll down an hill Go Camping Build a fort Go Skimming Dance in the rain Fly a kite Go fishing Go apple picking, eat an apple. Go conker picking, play conkers. Build a snowman Hunt for hidden treasure on the beach Make a mud pie Play in a stream Go Sledging Be buried in sand Create a snail race Clamber on a fallen tree Swing on a rope swing Fly down a mud slide Eat wild blackberries Take a peek inside a tree Run into the wind Hunt for fossils and bones Watch the sun rise Climb a huge hill Wash under a waterfall Feed a bird from your hand Build a bug farm Find some frogspawn Tackle a wave Catch a butterfly Wild animal tracking Explore a pond Call an owl Learn how to swim |
Explore a rock pool
Bring up a butterfly Catch a crab Go on a night nature walk Plant your own food, eat your own food. Go swimming in the wild Go rafting Start a camp fire without matches Go exploring with just a map and compass Go bouldering Cook on a campfire Abseil down a rock face Go on a treasure hunt Canoe down a river Play messy twister (Twister with pools of paint) Play bulldogs charge Eat smores on an outdoor BBQ Cover the entire driveway in chalk Graze my knees Spend the day cloud watching in a park Play outside all day long Play balloon tennis Make a flower chain Build a go-kart Visit a farm Learn to ride a bike Start a junk stand Bored. Invent a game Get stung by nettles Join the cubs, scouts, brownies Train for a sport Go camping in the garden Raise a pet Visit a themepark Have a pillow fight |