Yesterday was the last day of the Toy Fair in London and as the day went on I was both happy and sad. The Toy Fair has an amazing buzz about it that brings together press, retailers and toy manufacturers to experience three days packed full of excitement.
I have been lucky enough to basically see into the future and know what kids up and down the country will be playing with as the year progresses. I know which kids films will be coming out and how that has impacted on the toy industry and it is going to be a very exciting year.
Unfortunately I can’t share all of my secrets with you but I can show you a few things that I think are very exciting.
As well as these great items I am also excited about the below.
K’nex K-Force range and Mighty Makers range
Tomy Pop Up Olaf
HTI Disney Frozen Colour Match Snowflake bag
Spin Master Paw Patrol toys
Sew Cool project kits such as a quilt or dolls clothes and the new Knits Cool knitting studio.
Clementoni’s Mio the robot that you have to build yourself.
Flair’s I-DO-3D creative playkit that makes 3D models
Flair’s Magic Snow Sleeve
Puppy Surprise
Charmazing by Style Me Up!
Lil’ crazy by Razor
and they are just what I can tell you about!
Going to the Toy Fair is not all about the toys, I also had the opportunity to meet some great people.
Justin Fletcher
I had the pleasure of being invited to interview Justin Fletcher on Tuesday and had a really great time chatting with him. I will be writing about our interview separately.
Richard Cadell and Sooty
Sooty was back at the Toy Fair again this year and unfortunately for me and many others the cheeky yellow bear had also brought along his water pistol and he was not afraid to use it. It was great catching up with Richard and Sooty and hearing all about the new toys ranges. I am very excited for the new Magic Set for pre-school age children which I think will be top of Alison’s wish list.
Hacker T Dog
I was very excited to get the opportunity to meet Hacker T Dog for the first time ever and just could not resist a quick selfie after all this Dog is legendary. Hacker and right hand man Phil Fletcher were at the Toy Fair to promote the new Hacker T Dog puppets that will be available soon. I can wait to get my hands on one of these.
Toy Fair wouldn’t be Toy Fair without the constant presence of the various childhood characters walking around and it was great to see some old faces making an appearance.