The Undeniable Benefits of Nuts on Your Health

Making nuts a part of your diet can prove to be excellent for your health. Not only are they full of nutrients, but also make a great snack food. They are not expensive, can easily be stored, and you can pack them when you’re on the go.

However, one drawback of nuts is that they are high in calories. Therefore, they should be eaten in balanced proportions. Though high in fat, the fat they contain is good for your health. Numerous studies have shown their health benefits, especially for heart disease.

Nuts contain most of the vitamins and minerals that are needed by the body. Being a source of ALA omega-3 fatty acids, they offer many health benefits and can help in fighting diseases like dementia, Alzheimer’s, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Most of the nuts are high in calories and fats, but these are mostly unsaturated fats that are good for your health. We enlist prominent nuts so that you incorporate them in your diet to enjoy their health benefits:


Among all nuts, almonds have the highest quantity of calcium in them. They are a good choice if you want to make your bones stronger. Rich in Vitamin E, they also help in improving the condition of your skin.

They help overweight people in reducing weight and improving blood pressure levels. Eating any meal with an ounce of almonds aids in controlling blood sugar that rises after every meal in people who are suffering from diabetes.

Almonds also have fiber in them that makes them excellent for your gut health. They support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria called Bifidobacteria. The almond’s skin is full of heart-protecting compounds that will give your heart some extra health.

Cashew Nuts

If you follow a vegetarian diet, cashews can prove to be an excellent addition to your meal plan. They are a good source of minerals like zinc, copper, and iron and contribute a good level of protein to your daily diet.

Being loaded with magnesium, they also improve recall and memory in age-related memory loss. People who suffer from metabolic syndrome should consume cashews as they improve blood pressure levels.

Cashews can help in preventing cancer, are good for your heart, and give you strong bones and rejuvenated skin. Get raw cashews in bulk as they can be used in plenty of dishes and are an essential component of a low-carb diet.


A popular nut amongst chefs, walnut is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Their high content of ALA decreases the risk factors associated with heart disease.

Several studies have proved that incorporating walnuts into your diet improves HDL cholesterol levels. It ensures a normal flow of blood through the veins and keeps your blood pressure at normal levels.

Walnuts are also good for your brain as they reduce depression and lower the risk of age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s. They increase the measure of cognition called inferential reasoning. Lastly, they also help in reducing inflammation that is a contributing factor in many chronic diseases.


High in fiber, pistachios improve cholesterol levels and increase HDL cholesterol in the body. It also improves other heart disease risk factors like weight, blood pressure, and oxidative status of the blood.

Pistachios also reduce glucose levels in the blood and are loaded with vitamin B6. This vitamin keeps the hormones balanced and helps women in maintaining their reproductive health. Consuming them in good quantity reduces period problems.

Pistachios are the only nut that has the two antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which play an essential role in improving the health of the eyes. They also have vitamin E and magnesium in them.


Commonly used in desserts, Pecans are quite nutritious as they are loaded with proteins, carbs, fiber, magnesium, and vitamin E. They also contain polyphenols that are compounds acting as antioxidants.

Rich in antioxidants, they prevent the prevention of plaque in the arteries and reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Few studies have proved that it lowers LDL cholesterol because of the presence of plant sterols in them.

While they are high in fats and calories, vitamin B3 is also present in them. This vitamin helps in accessing energy in the food and reduces fatigue. They also have oleic acid, which is a healthy fat found in avocado and olives.

Brazil Nuts

Coming from a tree in the Amazon, the most important mineral found in Brazil nuts is selenium that has some astounding benefits for your health. People with low thyroid function should consume Brazil nuts as they produce active thyroid hormones.

While selenium is required by your body in relatively lower quantity, it still comes with rich properties that are really good for your health. It supports immunity and helps the wounds to heal quickly.

It is rare to have a selenium deficiency in your body, which usually occurs when you are suffering from some sort of a serious disease. You only need to consume 3 to 4 Brazil nuts a day to obtain the required quantity of selenium.


Very few people are aware of the nutritional value of Hazelnuts. They have magnesium, vitamin E, proteins, carbs, and fiber. Because of the presence of so many nutrients, they improve skin, bone, muscle, digestive, and joint health.

Homocysteine is an amino acid that is associated with heart problems and other conditions like Parkinson’s. Hazelnuts have folates that keep the homocysteine within normal levels in your body.

Hazelnuts balance cholesterol levels and improve the functioning of the blood vessels. Some studies suggest that it reduces inflammation, making it a savior from plenty of chronic diseases. They also reduce the risk of cancer.


Peanuts are not tree nuts but belong to the legume family. However, they are similar in nutrients and health benefits. Some studies imply that a higher intake of peanuts is associated with a lower death rate.

The best part about peanuts is that they have high quantities of folates, which promote brain development. They are good for pregnant ladies as they reduce the risk of brain-related birth defects.

Being a rich source of Vitamin E, they are also good for your hair and skin. Surprisingly, they can also help in fighting depression and boost memory. Consuming peanuts has been found to reduce the risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes.


Like other types of foods, nuts can also be stripped of their nutritional value when consumed in processed form. While flavored cashews might be tempting, it is better to choose raw and dry roasted nuts. Also, you should avoid blanched almonds and peanuts.

Even if you don’t know many recipes that include nuts, you can easily snack on them. When you’re buying packaged nuts, make sure that they have no sodium, sugar, or other additives in them. You can always snack on them in their raw form and consume all the nutrients.

Nuts play the most important role in controlling heart disease by reducing all the risk factors that contribute to it. From keeping your blood pressure at a normal level to reducing cholesterol in your body, they provide plenty of health benefits.