The Popchips #GetPopped Challenge – our final thoughts Multipopchips

A week on from the end of our Popchips Get Popped Challenge and I realised just how much spending time doing things together can make a difference to our relationships. Half Term is normally a time where I look forward to the kids returning to school but whilst making a conscious effort to take part in a fun, light hearted activity each day we have really felt the difference and we have enjoyed spending time together. In fact this has been such a revelation that we have created a list of activities to do together as a family in the run up to Christmas.
We spent our week doing a variety of activities from family trips to the park to pampering ourselves to going on holiday. Six days that not only kept us occupied but helped us to enjoy each others time. When I accepted the Popchips Get Popped Challenge I was only really thinking about the money, I mean £500 is a lot but what we have got out of it is so much more than a healthy bank balance. We have once again found a balance between spending time on our laptops and other technology and taking time to do things together. It has shown me that a walk in the park can change our whole mood as a family, it has shown me that family time is extremely important to how well we get on as a family and it has also shown me that all of these things are so much better than money.

You can follow our adventures over our six days of the Get Popped Challenge below. I look forward to reading about the adventures of the other bloggers who took part, I hope that they too enjoyed the challenge and got as much out of it as we did.

Day One – A family trip to the park
Day Two – Toytopia and Southport Pleasure Beach
Day Three- Mister Maker Live
Day Four –  Pampering
Day Five – Afternoon Tea
Day Six – Off to Butlins

The Popchips Get Popped Challenge consisted of six days  of fun and light-hearted activities. To take part in this challenge I was provided with two multipacks of Popchips and given a budget of £500.  I am one of six bloggers taking part in this challenge and one of us will be declared the winner and will win two flights to California, the home of Popchips.