I can not believe it has been so many days since I shared Elizabeth’s Big Moment when she got her ears pierced. The last few weeks have flown by but in a very good way. As I don’t have Christmas shopping to do we have spent the time doing the things that matter to us.
We enjoyed baking homemade gifts together.
Riding on Carousels and drinking Hot Chocolate before visiting Santa.
and attending a film premiere screening in London.
Having my weekends free from shopping this December has really meant that we can spend our time together doing some fantastic things but it has also meant that I can spend some time planning even more fun things to do. All this whilst watching the rest of the country searching the shops and losing any good will they had left battling the crowds doing their Christmas shopping.
I can definitely recommend shopping online and then enjoying some special moments together as we have been able to do thanks to Paypal.