As most of you know I earn my money through this blog after having to give up my child minding business in 2012 to care for Elizabeth. Being self employed is all well and good but there is never a guarantee of when work with come in. Last year Gaming Daddy of two left his job of ten years to spend more time with the girls and between us we home school them as well as earning what money we can to supplement our living.
As we are both self employed we don’t claim unemployment benefits and sometimes life can be a bit of a squeeze especially if my work dries up for a while. This got me thinking about whether one or both of us should look into a part time job.
As an AAT qualified accountant I have always been aware of the fact that I should be able to get agency work fairly easily. I know my way around most accounts systems and the world always needs accountants. However that type of work doesn’t interest me at all so unless I was really desperate for money I don’t think I would bother.
I suppose either of us could get an admin job but the pay seems so low for working such dreadful hours and the idea of being back in a suit and working in an office just sounds awful.
We were talking about maybe going back to childminding focusing on after school and school holiday provisions so we can still write during the day but I am not sure I have the patience for other peoples children anymore.
Another option is that as we both have driving licenses we could look into jobs in transport. Agencies like City Calling always have loads available and after all driving is quite fun and the pay isnt bad either.
Other options could be to develop our self-employment further, maybe I should be offering my writing skills out elsewhere? I have never actively looked for copy writing work but I think it is something I should consider. Writing for different audiences is always fun and challenging and seen as writing is something I enjoy, something I can fit into my day and something I can do whilst slobbing around in my pyjamas then I think it is definitely the career path I should stick too.
After all life in unpredictable and a real job would just get in the way.
As we are both self employed we don’t claim unemployment benefits and sometimes life can be a bit of a squeeze especially if my work dries up for a while. This got me thinking about whether one or both of us should look into a part time job.
As an AAT qualified accountant I have always been aware of the fact that I should be able to get agency work fairly easily. I know my way around most accounts systems and the world always needs accountants. However that type of work doesn’t interest me at all so unless I was really desperate for money I don’t think I would bother.
I suppose either of us could get an admin job but the pay seems so low for working such dreadful hours and the idea of being back in a suit and working in an office just sounds awful.
We were talking about maybe going back to childminding focusing on after school and school holiday provisions so we can still write during the day but I am not sure I have the patience for other peoples children anymore.
Another option is that as we both have driving licenses we could look into jobs in transport. Agencies like City Calling always have loads available and after all driving is quite fun and the pay isnt bad either.
Other options could be to develop our self-employment further, maybe I should be offering my writing skills out elsewhere? I have never actively looked for copy writing work but I think it is something I should consider. Writing for different audiences is always fun and challenging and seen as writing is something I enjoy, something I can fit into my day and something I can do whilst slobbing around in my pyjamas then I think it is definitely the career path I should stick too.
After all life in unpredictable and a real job would just get in the way.