With the Sochi Winter Olympics in full swing, we’ve opted as a family to take part in a few challenges using the Wii U game Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games. To kick things off I’ve asked the girls to come up with a family crest and flag that we can use during various events.
When I asked the girls what colour our country’s flag should be, they couldn’t decide whether it should be pink, blue, green red and yellow. I therefore suggested that we have a rainbow flag. Here is the creation that Elizabeth and Alison made together.
The family crest was Elizabeth’s choice, which stars her two monkey teddies called “Ooh Ooh” and “Aah Aah”. She specifically asked that I draw a picture of them both cuddling to show that they love each other.
I’m not sure hubby will want to wear the uniform we’ve designed (or maybe he would!) but here it is. The girls went for a pink lycra outfit with purple dyed hair and yellow skin (massive influence from Simpsons here).
So for the next two weeks we’ll be following the Olympics closely. We’ve even decided to make it one of the weekly themes to learn during the girls’ home schooling. During the first week we’ve been challenged to beat times for the Two Man Bobsleigh (3 mins 32 sec – Canada) and Team Speed Skating (3 mins 41 secs – Canada). It’s no surprise that Hubby is happy because it means he’s got an excuse to play Mario and Sonic whenever he wants.