Saturday night should have seen me sat at home blogging about the day we had at the National Football Museum with Blogs Up North.
It didn’t. It saw me dancing along to Bon Jovi at the Etihad stadium with fellow blogger Grumpish Mum. She had let slip earlier in the day the fact that she had tickets and she was going with a friend who wasn’t that interested in Bon Jovi.
Now don’t get me wrong I haven’t really listened to any of his stuff in years but they are on the list of Bands to see before they die and so I begged her to ask her friend to sell the ticket to me.
So there you have it last minute change of plans and one more life event ticked off.
I had a fantastic time and my hangover on Sunday proved it. So I wanted to leave you with a bit of Bon Jovi to see you through a good day.