We had an amazing summer, the sun shone for most of it and we didn’t have too many wet days. This past week the weather has changed, its been drizzly, windy and cold. Even now as I look out of my window I can see grey clouds and rain. It made me realise that soon I might have to go shopping for some winter clothes for the girls. I don’t think leggings are going to be good enough but I never really know what they should wear in the winter. I hope I can find something suitable. I know that with the rate their feet have been growing that they will need some new wellies and snow boots. I have fallen in love with the Croc snowboots on Jellyegg more for myself than the girls as there are some lovely purple ones in my size.
I love autumn, it is my favourite time of year as it is neither too hot or too cold and you can watch the world change before your very eyes. We love going to the country parks to feed monkey nuts to the squirrels. We love crunching through the leaves and watching the trees change colours. We pick blackberries off the bushes and make homemade desserts and we go for long rambling walks through the countryside. Autumn is a time when the dressing gowns come out and the fire goes on and evenings become warm and cosy. I asked some of my blogging friends what their favourite bits about Autumn are?
Cold crisp frosty mornings http://www.allyouneedisloveandcake.co.uk
Kicking leaves and the beautiful colours http://www.mummyalarm.co.uk
Wearing new warm winter jumpers www.emmaand3.com
Snuggling on the sofa beneath a cosy blanket! http://fivesafellowship.com
I LOVE Autumn crafts – esp crafting with nature – conkers, acorns and looking at the fabulous firey Autumn colours www.RedTedArt.com
A good excuse to start cooking my favourite casseroles again http://www.stressymummy.com
The weather. I love that is not too hot or too cold. I am born in autumn so it is my favourite season. http://www.romanianmum.com
I would have to say crisp mornings and cold dark nights mean more chances to snuggle up with my children and gorgeous man (plus getting a chance to wear a whole new wardrobe of clothes) http://www.littlelilypad.co.uk/blog/
I love walking through crisp leaves and the smell of wood smoke filling the air http://themummysphere.co.uk
How about dragon-smoke breath on cold mornings? http://missielizzie-meandmyshadow.blogspot.co.uk/
We love splashing in puddles www.frugalfamily.co.uk
I love collecting conkers with my girls every day on the way to school, we fill a huge vase of them every year. http://theanamumdiary.co.uk
Getting all cosy at home in the evening. And that fact that it inspires me to knit more. http://www.beingmrsc.com/
I love the colours and the slight chill in the air, autumn is my favourite season www.cakesphotoslife.co.uk
Walking through the leaves and kicking at them… also conker picking:) http://simslife.co.uk/
So as many people up and down the country are moaning about the fact the weather is turning and Autumn will soon be here just remember all the good bits about Autumn. The fun that can be had as a family and the memories you can create..
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