Laser hair removal is one of the more popular options for people who hate the stubble left after shaving and trimming or don’t like the pain associated with waxing or epilation. While the option is relatively safe, it is never too late to read up on some of the things that you might have to take care of or keep in mind before opting for the treatment. For example, some skin types might be suited to that kind of treatment. There are many types of laser hair removal services available, but one of the most recommended ones involve the Cynosure Elite+ Laser equipment.
Laser in movies has been known to destroy tanks and people alike. Have no fear, the laser used in the treatment is perfectly safe. The process will heat up the skin and hair follicles. The skin is left reddened for a few minutes, while the hair is destroyed from the root. Areas around the lip, nose, chin, temples and ears might be a bit more sensitive to this sudden jolt of pain.
After the treatment, it might take a couple of weeks to notice the difference in hair growth and density. Additionally, based on how your hair growth is, you might be advised separate sessions and it is important not to miss out on them. Your cosmetologist might advise you to trim thicker or longer hair to a certain length before proceeding with the treatment. This is done to minimise the irritation to the skin and avoid longer sessions.
The process for facial hair removal can end in 20 minutes or less on average. That is exclusive of removing any existing makeup on your skin and thorough cleansing. Based on how intensive the process is, you can even resume your day right after without any downtime.
Try to avoid heavy workouts, bright sun, saunas or hot showers. Let the heat from the laser dissipate from your skin. This usually takes about 24 hours. If you stress yourself out within the period, it could potentially cause problems in the treatment areas due to bacteria growth. There will be a slight reddening of the spots that have been treated. Best to stay indoors or under ample shade and give your skin a chance to cool off.
Sometimes, some hair growth can be triggered by laser treatment. Your dermatologist will let you know in advance if a hair type cannot and should not be removed through this process. At the same time, the treatment can also prevent ingrown hairs.
Try to avoid as many synthetic products for your skin as you can. Mild face wash and regular moisturising using face mists is advisable for a few weeks before and after the treatment. That helps your skin stay supple and recover faster. Waxing, bleaching or plucking would render the process less reliable. If you have, opt for shaving instead to keep some growing hairs at bay.
Though lighter skin tones with darker hair are easier to treat, laser works on all skin tones, albeit some may need additional sessions to successfully remove all the unwanted hair. Hormones can cause hair to grow back even if the follicles have been destroyed, and that is where additional sessions are required most often.