Guest Post : Tips on keeping your resolution to lose weight in 2014

It happens every year. We tell ourselves that THIS is the year we will lose weight, get in shape and feel our best. We start out strong, braving the crowds at the gym, sweating through our new workout gear. But, inevitably, our confidence wanes. We start missing workouts, having more cheat meals, and generally losing commitment. By the time April rolls around, many have given up completely. Don’t be one of them! Here are some tips for keeping that weight-loss resolution in 2014.

Set a specific, measurable goal. If your New Year’s resolution is just a nebulous concept like “lose weight,” then you will be more likely to ignore it. When you set specific and measurable goals, it easier to gauge your progress and make adjustments along the way. Instead of saying “I want to lose weight,” say “I want to lose at least four pounds per month through May.” That is super-specific, complete with weight loss targets, milestones, and an end date.  

Train for something. Sometimes, when we want to lose weight, we’ll just hop on the treadmill for 30 minutes a few times a week. This gets boring very quickly and your body will soon adapt to this activity level. In order to really push yourself, you should train for a specific event. If you sign up for a 5k, you are now committed to that fitness goal, so you better get off the couch and get moving!

Workout-ify your life. Too often, we think that it’s just our time in the gym that will help us lose weight. Nope! We must move our bodies around all day, everyday, and you can take advantage of this for your fitness goals. Park far away, take the stairs, take all the groceries in one trip, and wear wrist and ankle weights while you do the dishes. Think about how to make regular tasks harder and more physically rewarding.

Remember to eat. A crucial component of weight loss is your diet. But try not to overthink it. There is no magic combination of ingredients that will make you skinny overnight. It’s just about making better choices and slowly regaining self-control. Focus on veggies, fruits, and lean proteins. Cut down on sugars and processed carbs. Healthy fats like olive oil are good for you and can help you feel fuller for longer. Focus on eating well, not eating less.

Don’t sweat a setback. Your officemate brought in donuts, happy hour got a little too happy, it snowed last night so the gym is closed. Any diet and exercise regime will experience setbacks. Just remember that this is a life-long process. One hiccup does not mean you should give up on your health and fitness goals. Forgive yourself, dust yourself off, and do better today. If we can just tell ourselves to do a little better each day, then we’ll eventually arrive at the place we want to be. Good luck in 2014!


This post was written for Tired Mummy of Two by Dr. Anne Hermann. Anne is the owner and operator at Herman Wellness, a Tampa Acupuncture and Weight Loss Clinic.

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