So the last time I wrote a countdown post was last Monday! A whole week has passed full of multiple restaurants, service stations, and a conference. It has definitely not been the best week for being on a diet as I had little control over what I was eating with set menus in most of the restaurants we visited in France last week. With only 52 days to go I need to get back to it.
Thankfully the few good choices I could make and the addition of all of the walking we did meant that I have only put on just over a kilogram and with my weigh in not until Thursday evening I should be able to pull it back. This week I will be going back to the gym and have already put it in my schedule to make sure I make time for myself. I will also be trying to give my body a bit of a kick start and will be swapping my breakfast and lunch for Exante meal replacement bars for the next few weeks. It is not a long term solution but with me travelling so much during July I will need something portable and low calorie to keep me going and hopefully this will help me to lose weight when surrounded by all the mince pies and turkey dinners at the Christmas in July events.
Starting this countdown was supposed to help keep me on track but so far all it has done is track my inability to lose weight as I keep bouncing around the same weight I have been at for months. At least it is preventing me putting on too much and after attending Britmums at the weekend I had a lot of comments on how good I looked thanks to my new smaller wardrobe. It seems wearing the right sized clothes and having confidence in how you look really does make you look so much better!
So here is to the next 52 days full of exercise, meal planning and hitting my goals. I am now aiming for two pounds a week which will help me lose another stone before I go. I know it is achievable so I just need to focus and plan and I will be able to do it!